About Me

December 31, 2014

The Best Gift Ever!

Hi everyone!

Tonight, I received the best gift ever! A dear friend who lived in our community for years and was such an inspiration to me in both my personal life and in my career, moved to B.C. a few months ago. I was sad to lose such a wonderful individual from my circle. We could still converse by Facebook and email but it's not the same as having her here.

But guess what happened just an hour ago? She contacted me on Facebook with the news that she has moved "back home" and asked if we could get together to visit. I'm beyond thrilled! With such a busy life raising so many kids (our own as well as a few extras here and there), being in school, working first part time then moving to full time and being a wife has meant that my friendships have been few and far between. Not exactly what I envisioned but truthfully, if I can't commit all my energy to a healthy friendship, I won't go there. Now that life has settled and I have more time, I'd like to rekindle my current relationships and even venture into creating some new ones. For now, I'm humbled to have this lovely individual back in my life and can't wait for our first visit once she's settled! Yippee!!

What does friendship mean to you?


Penny said...

What a wonderful event. I wish you much joy and happiness as you rekindle your friendship. I am sure you would be an amazing friend too, i am not surprised your friend has got back in touch with you! X

Chy said...

I have so few friends as my family has been my attention so I'm chuffed that I get to have her back!