About Me

October 19, 2013

Windy Day!

I'm a bit fearful we might wake up to snow! So windy here tonight, dark clouds and cold.

Daughter #1 is downstairs playing with our grandson. Daughter #2 is upstairs reading, snuggled in her cozy bed with her pup. Dh has gone to the hockey game with a dear friend. Dishes are done, kitchen is clean, laundry folded, bathrooms scrubbed, floors swept and mopped. I've got the heat on tonight, with the warm glow of lamps turned on, dim but enough to warm our hearts. Finishing up writing my notes for a workshop I'm teaching tomorrow. Then I'm off for a hot, relaxing bath, before heading to bed early to read until dh arrives home, safe and sound.

I attended a great workshop today, ironically, taught by a former boss of mine. He teased me throughout, in a fun way but I still learned quite a bit. I've written enough grants in my life to feel somewhat confident but have never taken a workshop on the subject before. The content was amazing, the delivery engaging and the snacks and lunch were incredible. He's teaching this same day in the city in a few weeks for $300 a person but for our community, the fee was just $20 per person for the day! Our volunteer centre brought him in and subsidized the cost. Well worth the fee. 

Enjoy your evening. 
I'm looking forward to an early night for once!


Cheapchick said...

Snow - yikes! We have fog on the island, and it has gotten as low as five degrees - chilly for this time of year. Stay warm!

Chy said...

No snow tonight. Looks like we might not get any until November. Getting cooler each night but then warm during the day. Just today was so windy with dark, big clouds but then it calmed and the clouds went away tonight. Now we're good!

Bought new socks yesterday for winter. Now I'm set!!

Stay warm as well!